Black Uhlans MC Ride to Win

The Ride to Win is one very professionally run event. This time the organisers decided not to do the usual south coast ride. Instead, the riders were treated to some biker friendly inner city venues.

THE RIDE to Win ride was awesome! The Sydney chapter of the Black Uhlans MC did an excellent job of organising the ride (despite the law enforcement that was heavily shadowing us). We meet at the local bowling club where the staff supplied a sausage sizzle to start the day.

We then rode through the Sydney CBD ending up at the Friend in Hand pub in Glebe where the biker friendly staff looked after us with good cheer. The locals were curious, taking photos of the bikers having a relaxing beer at their pub.

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The weather was a mixed bag with sunshine and rain changing hands nearly as often as the stock market in Russia. 

On the next section of our ride, I noticed many bystanders cheering the riders; however, I couldn’t say that went for the police cars trailing us. 

We rode out of the CBD towards Homebush via Victoria Road, eventually ending up at The Palm Motel. Once again we were treated with good cheer by the bar and bistro staff.

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Our ride back to the bowling club took us through the M5 — and the sound of all the bikes echoing through the tunnel was fearsome.

Once back at the clubhouse, we were entertained by the Leanne Paris Band. Leanne is a very talented lady singer. 

Congrats to the lucky local who won the $1000 first prize. It didn’t matter much that it wasn’t me who won — I reckon I was a winner from the time I turned up to the time I went home. Thanks guys for a great day.

Black Uhlans MC Ride 4

article By George Lang

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