Veterans MC: Pearlbrook Rocks!
When the Central Coast Skull Riders invited me along on their ride to the Vets show in Murrurundi, how could I refuse…
IT RAINED intermittently on the way to Murrurundi, which is located on the New England Highway in the Upper Hunter district, and after being defected by the cops, I ran out of fuel just outside of Singleton. Finally, however, we arrived at Pearlbrook, the NSW chapter property of the Veterans, and wow—what a layout! The Vets are fully set up for shows and rallies such as this.

We were welcomed by Lou, one of the Vets, and after setting up, we had a look around. Stall holders were aplenty, the bands were rocking, and our mates were sucking on a few ales—and this was only Friday! The party rocked on into the early hours of the morning.
Wazza, the crazy man, woke up everyone at 7 am with a salute—a bomb down the barrel of one Vets’ decommissioned cannons—what a bang!
Saturday—what a day. The weather wasn’t the best but there was a steady roll-in of bikes, bikies and babes. The bike show was your typical rally event—all the bikes were ridden in by their owners from far and wide; no trailer queens here today.

Saturday arvo and it was time to liven up the crowd with a burn-out competition. The call went out but only three bikes took up the offer. One poor bloke busted a rear belt but was given a trophy for his efforts. With a little encouragement, I rolled out my newly built bike—a 113 cube American Maverick (see Ozbike Issue #319)—and after winning the burn-out comp, I entered her in the bike show and won that as well.

Early in the night the Vets decided it was time for the wet T-shirt competition. There were six girls in total brave enough to show their talents to the shouts and cheers from the lively crowd.

Later on the XXX show went down even better. The night was long with plenty of booze and plenty of bullshit being told.

Wow, these boys know how to party hard— a stroll around the campsite and there were plenty of bodies out-cold on the grass or on top of tents and swags but not their own.
Sunday morning and the brekky was just what every drunken biker needs. Soon, however, it was time to pack up and travel home.
The Veterans show at Pearlbrook is one show not to miss. It was my first but definitely not my last.

words & pics by Gazza