VVMC Qld Chapter Bike, Trike & Hotrod Show

WHAT A FANTASTIC day and a huge success, and without doubt, the best show in town. With more than 600-plus paying punters through the front gate, it was our biggest show to date, and everyone I spoke to was thoroughly enjoying the show. Word is spreading about the event and no doubt next year will be even bigger and better! We were lucky with the weather, with just a few passing showers. Had the skies been totally cloud free then the numbers would have been even greater.

The trick riders, although amateurs, were exceptionally popular and a ‘must have’ for future shows. Their odd mishap added to the thrill and expectation of the crowd. Those young boys knew how to handle a motorcycle; whether sitting on the seat, sitting on the bars; sitting on the tank; standing alongside just holding the throttle; or standing on the tank with one foot on the handlebars. And did they go through some tyres! After each show they were busy replacing the back tyres on all their bikes. No wonder they own and work in a motorcycle tyre shop.

Feral got the burnouts moving by being the first to give the new burnout pad a workout. (He wasn’t the very first as I heard Baz had been spotted near the pad a few days earlier.) The bike burnouts were popular with several entrants, including a young girl on her Jappa wearing her high heels. Apart from the girl, quite a few blokes wrapped it on and filled the grounds with smoke, but it was our Feral who won the trophy and preserved VVMC pride. 

Only one car was assessed as being safe enough to burnout whilst being anchored to the pad. Quite frightening for the crowd standing in front of the V8 Holden ute as the young lad gave it his best—screaming engine, squealing tyres, huge smoke screen, cheers, until a loud bang signalled the end of another tyre. And boy was the owner excited, leaping onto the tray of his vehicle, and then onto the roof with his arms in the air, signalling his victory! 

A couple of novel burnouts were done by a supercharged lawnmower — yes, a lawnmower! We need a mower like that to cope with the fast growing grass at the club. There was also one H-D trike entrant but he had problems getting both back wheels spinning. Already the club has been approached by a club seeking to use our pad and concrete road for their car club burnouts.

The number and calibre of the bike, trike and car entrants was as high as any show in Australia. There was a lot of interest in some of the stunning exhibits. The judges had a very difficult time selecting the winners. A number of people commented on the unique trophies for the Best in Show and People’s Choice categories. Looking forward to seeing more such trophies at all our future events.

Once again, our ladies in the kitchen slaved over a hot stove to cater for the hungry crowd. Our undying gratitude goes to them all for their dedication to our shows. There is no doubt whatsoever, that without them we would never to be able to make our shows what they have become.

The wet T-shirt competition proved a hit with several girls and ladies willing to be doused with water to highlight their assets. The compeer, Two Dogs, looked to be having far too much fun up on stage with the lovely lasses! 

To have, or not to have, strippers, was debated at length before the event and the result proved the right decision was made. In the past the families disappeared early, leaving 100-plus blokes who watched the strippers, then also disappeared. This time, with a great band there was still a big crowd dancing in the rain at 2330 hours! The number of blokes, couples and families who stayed late was a first for any VVMC Qld event.

Every person involved with our club (members, noms, support riders, supporters, etc, etc) contributed to the event’s success and their efforts were greatly appreciated. The biggest accolades go to our organisers — Stretch, Feral, Doc, Animal, Meathead — and others who helped them along the way. With a new layout, new activities, no adult entertainment, etc, there had been some anxiety beforehand but this was dispelled on the day. We all say to the team, ‘Bloody well done!’

Our biggest sponsors, Shannons, said it was the best organised and best run event they have ever been to and I am sure they will be back next year with an even bigger donation! 

On behalf of the President and Committee, a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the show!

Words by Huck; pics by Jules @ Top Gun

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