One-Of-A-Kind Ironhead Harley-Davidson Sportster

Chris loves his Ironhead Sporty. He’s watched her grow from a decidedly secondhand bike through several identity changes.

WELL, THE bike started life as a 1970 XLCH 900 cc. The first time I saw the bike I told the owner, “I’ve got first dibs!” It was running then. After a drastic engine problem, I got hold of it in several pieces — lucky me — and the original cases were!

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After several ‘experts’ and several thousand dollars, I finally found someone who knew what they were doing. She was rebuilt into 1973 cases and barrels — 10:1 forgies, port and polish, bigger valves, lightened flywheel, Mikuni carb, etc — taking her to 1000 cc.

Then I moved to Queensland and the hunt was on to find someone worthy to work on my motorcycle. Ironhead mechanics, raise your hands… okay, anyone?

After looking on the internet and asking around, Twin Tech Motorcycles in Southport was the place who’s reputation shined above others. Roscoe’s reputation for doing things right and telling shit like it is became apparent.

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I introduced myself, and Roscoe and Geoff kindly offered their assistance in getting my bike registered. Woo-hoo — I’m on me way!

The Sporty has been through a few identity changes over the last few years — ideas change — and an Ironhead requires regular maintenance, lately all with help from Roscoe who has become a good mate. He’s generous to a fault, and has my bike running sweet. No-one else rides my bike, let-alone works on it! Thanks, mate.

I love this motorcycle. It’s a one-of-a-kind thing that can’t be reproduced for what it’s worth (and I may have slightly over-capitalised). It’ll be with me for a long time.

Hopefully, my son Cody won’t be turned off by the kicker! We’ll see. He is only seven-years-old now but he knows it’s his bike… in a few years!

I’d like to thank Roscoe at Twin Tech, without his help it just wouldn’t have kept happening; also Uncle Ross for his help; and Steve for the paintwork. Thanks to Tim for the original assembly. Thanks to Craig (Custom Spraypainting Concepts) for several previous paint jobs. And as usual, Rod has made an excellent job of the photos. Thanks for looking…

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Words by Chris; pics by Rod

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