Molly White On A Mission
There’s nothing better then getting off your stupid, time-wasting technology and fixing your forever-breaking-down motorbike… right?
HI. I’m 25 and I’m from Wodonga, a little town in the middle of nowhere! Since the age of about five I’ve always been interested in the car/motorbike world. About two years ago, I thought, ‘You know what? I don’t want to drive a Ford Focus anymore — I want a real car!’ So I bought a 1964 XL Ford Falcon. I literally had no idea what I was getting myself into; had no idea how to drive a column shift manual or how to fix one… but when I want something, I get it.
Two months later she was on the road and running perfect; painted her and put in an air-ride-bag system. Once I had finished that, I thought, ‘You know what? I’m sick of riding bitch on the back of my boyfriend’s bike (I obviously like to be in control; ha, ha). So I bought a Virago 250 — hated it!
I found an 1984 XS650 on Gumtree in Melbourne and fell head-over-heels in love — as I do with everything — and drained all my bank accounts (plus more).
The guy I bought it off didn’t know a whole lot about the bike and only bought it to ride it. I got it home and tried to kick the bitch for about three weeks straight. A little bit of research and I found out I had gotten a lot more than I paid for: a 750 cc big bore kit, Pamco rephrased ignition and a PMA (Permanent Magnet Alternator) system which runs without running a battery.
As I’m getting my bike up to standard to register it, I realised that the wiring was pretty messed up and was lucky my bike wasn’t on fire, so did a whole rewire.
Getting super excited now to jump on and go for a ride, especially getting it ready to head to the Mudgee Meltdown, I probably got 10 minutes down the road and it just died. I was gutted. I tried to get it going but no luck.

Three months later, one strong right leg, a lot of patience and a new battery, I kicked started it with half a kick — you should have seen the look on my face! Happiest day of my life, I reckon.
This bike hauls arse and would smash my boyfriend’s Harley-Davidson any day of the week!
I’ve got a lot more in store for my little Yammy. I would love to put on a springer front-end, change to spoked wheels, fit some rabbit-ear handlebars, get all the chrome redone, a smaller tank, and a lot more!
The feeling of owning something so different and being able to work on it yourself and learn as you go is the best part!