Jackal Body Art

“I love modelling, tattoos, drinking, dancing on tables, and having a good times with the girls,” said Jackal.

I’M 20 AND from New Zealand. I moved over here nine months ago and intend to live here for a while. I’ve been modelling for the past two years but originally started child modelling for kids catalogues when I was really young. Recently I’ve been doing adult modelling. I’ve been in Down Under Tattoo, Zoo twice and shoots coming out in Picture and People magazines.

I was the weird kid at high school who was into art-class drawing random stuff. I wasn’t into the fruit bowl drawing, I’d rather paint some tattooed people and that eventually grew into wanting to get some body art on me. I started getting tattoo magazines and putting pictures of tattooed people on my wall and my mum would tell me that it’s was just a phase; obviously it wasn’t. I ended up going to the tattoo artists who I liked and pretty much said, “This is what I want,” got them to draw it up, and then if I didn’t like it, I’d get them to change it until I was happy.

Today was great. I love men on motorbikes. I’ve been riding before but we had a crash so I haven’t been back on since. I was on the back of a Harley-Davidson when a car clipped us and I nearly lost my leg. It was pretty crazy.

photos by Walter Wall; words by Jackal

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