Veterans MC Queensland Tattoo Show
This show draws a huge line-up of tattooed people to compete for the sensational trophies on offer.
THE tattoo show was a huge success. It all started with a work-party on Friday with a great roll-up by the members. By Saturday morning we were ready to open the gates and let the hordes in. First came the stall holders, then the competitors, and by the time the judging started, the place was packed and the bar and kitchen were flat out.
Baz’s idea of locating the stage by the bar was a hit with those of us in the ticket booth as for the first time ever we actually saw some of the show.

We had the biggest number of entrants ever and the TV crew and the magazine photographers were flat out capturing all the action. It was good to see familiar faces as well as new ones amongst the people on stage.
The ladies in the kitchen, what can one say? Weeks before the show the ladies were hard at it planning the function. On the day, Warden Valmae had the kitchen under control with all the ladies working their fingers to the bone to keep the hordes fed. To all the ladies I extend a large thank you in gratitude.
It was great to see so many members, noms, support riders, and the ladies, all working for the good of the club. Have to make special mention of a few. Jekyll and Wick spent the whole day making sure everyone signed a visitor’s slip to ensure we complied with all the requirements of our licences. Chief and Ashes ensured all the competitors registered (I now realise why these two volunteered for this task — so they can perve on the female entrants). Our noms, Stubbsy and Raar, are quick learners and managed to keep the drinks flowing. Pedro did an outstanding job, before, during and after the show, proving once again to be a stalwart of the support riders. Agro and Meathead who are both on the ‘walking wounded’ list managed to sell just about everything in the Q Store. Not sure what drugs the hospital gave to Noel but at midnight he was still running around like a teenager. Lurch, Kombi, Bobcat, etc, and all on the gate, were superb as it can get bit boring down there especially when all the action is at the bar. Leroy and Incoming ‘behind bars’ in the ticket booth raked in the money although I noticed they had problems counting especially when attractive tattooed girls wanted service. Two Dogs was pushed in at the deep end and was an outstanding compere for the trophy presentations. And Khe Sanh was everywhere keeping law and order.

The trophies looked a mint. Thanks goes to Feral for all his work in the design and organising, and to Dave’s Airbrushing for the background art.
Once again, Jules from Ozbike was there to cover the show. Now, this lady had been out of bed very early and was roaming amongst the crowd covering all the action. Which is no mean feat when carrying a couple of kilos of camera all day. Although I did notice that she handed her camera to Puff to carry on taking photos while she had a short break. Never-the-less, she never left the venue until late. I’m sure that we will receive a good spread in Ozbike.
There was a slight mishap for a couple of riders very close to the club. No serious injuries, and a couple of our members attended to help clean up the scene and retrieve the broken bikes. Thanks goes to Lurch, Mutha and Bobcat for attending.

Also a big thank you to our sponsors for all their help and support to make this the great show that it was.
At the end of the judging, our new President Elect awarded the trophies to the worthy recipients with Two Dogs making the announcements. Then it was PARTY TIME!
Ram Jet provided the music and they played hard and long into the night. Great band, great music.
Sunday morning saw some seedy looking types at the breakfast line. There was a much smaller group to help with the clean-up, but by time the Bathurst Races had started, we had The Bunker looking respectable. I now know why Biscuits complains about cigarette butts — there are 8000 ashtrays but there were still 8 million bloody butts all over the ground!
A special mention is required for Shorty whose special and bottomless efforts helped to make this show the outstanding success that it was this year.
And to all those people not mentioned, your efforts were just as appreciated.

Words by Puff; pics by Jules @ Top Gun