Trailer Trash Harley-Davidson Evo
No use having a tough looking bike that doesn't go like one!
I’VE BEEN riding motor bikes since I was 13-years-old. Starting off on a ex-racing RM 80 and progressing to a RD 250 before having owned numerous road bikes including a XJ 650, five Kwaka 900’s and a 1977 Z 1000. My everyday rider now is a Harley-Davidson Night Train. I had in mind of bombing the Night Train up with a fat rear tyre, a raked-out front-end and a set of nice wheels, but then this bike here came to my attention.
This bike started out as a 1997 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy that a guy in Melbourne threw a heap of money at. He put the Fatty up for sale and I couldn’t resist buying it.

The engine is a stock Evo at the moment with a set of Hooker Troublemaker blacked-out pipes. It has an Ultima belt-drive primary driving a stock Evo transmission.
While I’m more than happy to ride it with the stock engine, I’m pricing up a engine rebuild with a hot cam, flowed heads and high-comp pistons for the future pending on the bottom-end. If the bottom-end doesn’t shape up, a new 96 cube S&S is going in. No use having a tough looking bike that doesn’t go like one!
It has a fat-arse 250 rear-end from Mid-USA. The 250 tyre is sitting on a Ride Wright Fat Spoke wheel with a Sprotor Rotor brake-and-pulley setup.
The front-end has a set of inverted Wide Glide forks and is raked as well. The front wheel is a Ride Wright, Fat Spoke, 21-inch. The brake calipers and forward controls are made by Dragway. The pegs and hand-grips are custom with shell casing ends.
The tanks are stretched Evo tanks and the front guard is a sweeper design.
I nicknamed this bike Trailer Trash because in the three months I’ve had it in Queensland I’m not game enough to ride! I have been trailing it around everywhere getting the mods done. As you see it now it’s right to go.
I did plan on selling the Nigh Train once the Fat Boy was finished but stuff it, I’m single and free again so I’m keeping both! You can never have enough bikes, right?
I would like to dedicate my Ozbike feature to the memory of my cousin Robert Stanton who was a typical Aussie loveable larrikin who would give you his shirt of his back. RIP and ride on Rob: 3/08/1964—13/07/1999.

I would like to thank our model Tabu Cate; she did a great job modelling with my bike. (Make sure you check out Tabu Cate‘s feature—Ed.)
Photos by Rod Cole; story by Shane