Sabrina and the Sicko Harley-Davidson
I HAVE been modelling for about two years now, mostly just as a hobby, so it’s getting really good and I’m starting to enjoy it a lot. I mostly do lingerie shoots. Ozbike is my first magazine shoot. When Walter got in touch with me about the shoot, I went out and bought a copy of Ozbike. I started reading it last night. Walter is very good to work with. He is very experienced and he cracks a lot of jokes which makes it a lot easier.

I like bikes. I am not a car girl so bikes are good for me.
I am planning on going on the annual Postie Bike ride next year. I can’t ride a bike myself so I’ll have to go on the back of someone else’s bike. I have heard it’s hard work riding on the back of a bike across Australia but I’m really looking forward to it.

photos by Wall 2 Wall.
Don’t miss the full feature on this very flash custom Harley at 1. Sicko Custom Motorbike.