Rebels MC Dubbo Bike Show

You can’t stop George going to Dubbo for the bike show — he just loves it there.

DUBBO is a friendly country town located around 450 km west of Sydney. I’ve attended the last six events so I might classify as one of regulars, and trust me, I have always had a great time there.

The event officially starts at 2 pm but it’s more ‘siesta time’ where you leisurely browse through the bikes on display with a beer in hand while listening to the music pumped from the nearby stage.

The first couple of hours belong to the children. There’s horizontal bungee and food stuffing competitions for them; and even Santa turns up (riding a Harley of course) and distributes presents. You can tell by their faces, they’re having a pearlier of a day.

Once the rug-rats are safely at home, the adult entertainment starts. The wet T-shirt competition has a twist this year — two blokes (citing the equal opportunity law) enter the comp with the girls, and judging by the cat calls from the mob, they’re getting a lot of attention. Blinkey, the man behind the mic, calls us “a sick bastards”. But, in the end, the boys loose the battle to some really beautiful tits and everyone is happy with the outcome (especially the winners).

Now I realise, in horror, that I’ve left my rum bottle at home, but I don’t mourn for long as the bar is well stocked with all kinds of booze — and with ample space for camping, you don’t have to crawl too far once the booze gets the better of you.

Exotic dancers take their place on the stage next, performing all the things one would like to do (in private) to them.

Everyone has a ball tonight, and at around dawn, I find an empty bed to crawl into.

Every year I say to myself, “This was the best Dubbo show I’ve attended,” but every year it just gets better. The Rebels MC Dubbo Chapter seems to have found the perfect recipe.

words & pics by George

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