Godfather Grunt
When Jason needed a helping hand to finish off his dream bike, Simon made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.
JASON HAD ridden a lot of his mates’ Harleys in the past but never owned one himself. The time came to take the plunge and he chose an Aussie Godfather kit from the Southern Motorcycle Works in the USA.
Once the bike had arrived, Jason had a red hot go at the initial construction and paint, etc, before the project was handed over to Simon for the finishing touches. Simon set to work to sort out all the finer points of actually getting the bike sorted and ready to face the nit-picking gents who approve these Individually Constructed Vehicles. As you can imagine, in these days of strict design regulations and liability, things have to be pretty spot on to keep the powers that be content.
Basically, the bike had to be stripped back down to properly align the Softail style frame, sort out the brakes and tidy up the wiring.
The bike runs a 127 cubic inch Ultima long block motor, connected to a six-speed, right-hand-drive SMW gearbox.
The wheels are Outlaws and that beautifully obese rear tyre measures in at 300 mm.
Jason describes the paint as a metallic dark orange and black and it was laid on by Steve Kuritk.
When we did the shots of the bike it was in the final stages of being readied for compliance and registration. Jason is now a very happy camper and can hardly wait until the bike is road registered and he can start to rack up some long awaited kays aboard his slick looking ride.
The bike has been 12 long months in the making, but good things take time and it was well worth the wait.
Rachael was kind enough to drape her loveliness over Jason’s bike on the day of the shoot. She currently works as a topless waitress and is available for other promotional work.
Pics by Jo; words by Chuck U Farley.