Maxxi & Doc Hog

I’M 23 and originally from Warnington, Melbourne, but a Peninsular girl at heart. I’ve been modelling for about two years, and so far I’ve found my hair to be quite challenging because it changes roughly every five weeks. My portfolio has everything from black to bright red Mohawks to the whole shebang. Photographers never really know what they’re going to get. I do warn them in advance but nobody’s really had a problem with it so far.

I do hair modelling as well. One of my best friends, Sarah Brooks, is Box Hill’s Apprentice of the Year and does an amazing job.

I love bikes but I must admit I’m a car girl and I do love engines. My favourite car would have to be a 1965 Shelby GT — it’s the most amazing machine. The new models just don’t cut it; they’re nice but you can’t beat a good old custom American muscle.

I used to date a Harley-Davidson mechanic so I know my way around bikes a little but I’m a lot more comfortable under the hood of a car. But bikes are just amazing machines. Some of them can be so beautiful, like the Harley we’re shooting with today. It’s a beast. Amazing. I’m in love with it.

I’m used to jumping on the back of bikes and my boyfriend deciding that 240 km/h is perfectly acceptable up Beach Road which is a 60 zone. I copped a couple of bruises to the shoulder when we went through a swarm of bees. Pretty hilarious. I had these pea-shaped bruises across my shoulders. I didn’t have my jacket on either because we were suppose to be going to the beach but we ended up heading to the central Sea Baths and I’m like, “Oh, I’ve got to start work in a couple of hours, we don’t have time,” and he’s gone, “Don’t have time?” We got from Chelsea to St Kilda Sea Bath in about 15 minutes.

Oh, I’m into horses too. I’ve done a Bachelor Of Equine Science. I graduated from that a couple of weeks ago. It’s more the hands-on career that I’m getting into, like training young horses, working with them and just general stud work.

RevTech chopper

Make sure you check out the full feature on the Doc Hog Concept Motorbike.

Photos by Wall-2-Wall; words by Maxxi

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