Girl Rides a Harley-Davidson Dyna Convertible
HI FELLOW riders. I’d had my Harley-Davidson Dyna Convertible for one year and I’ve done almost 10,000 km on her. The only modifications I made were change the handlebars to mini-apes and my seat to solo (much prefer to ride alone).
Originally from NSW, I moved over to Esperence, WA, to start again. I actually live at Gibson, population 200 at most. There is a lovely country pub here called The Gibson Soak which is where I work so if you ride my way, pop in for beer and say hi.

We have a lot of riders in Esperence and I have done some amazing rides with Goldfields Esperence Mates for Mates which is a charity group raising awareness of depression and suicide prevention; also Kalgoole Mates for Mates. These people are amazing and work hard for the cause.
For me personally, my Harley gives me a sense of freedom, and a slight sense of danger. I love the wind in my hair, the way it clears my mind and frees my soul. Can’t say how great it is to be rider.