Country Girl on Harley-Davidson Sportster
G’DAY—This very attractive young lady was happy to pose for photos. She said she was keen to do some modelling and loves horses and tattoos. That’s my Harley-Davidson Sporty she’s on.
I recently had a prang with a four-door. The driver attempted a U-turn right in front of me. I slammed straight into her causing $4000 worth of damage to my bike and a massive deep cut to my heel requiring 15 stitches and a month off work. My partner received a pretty bad burn to her leg and is needing skin grafts. Just heard from my bike dealer, bike will be ready next week; can’t fucking wait.

The tiger tattoo was done by Rob McGranger from White Skull Tattoo Studio in Manila. He is a magic artist.
Thanks to Jo, all the bikers from the Tamworth area, and to Stuart at Bikes & Bits.
TROY, Tamworth, NSW.