10th Anniversary Goldfields Sand Drag Meet

THE Goldfields Sand Drag Association was started by like-minded individuals who had some sand drag equipment—bikes with paddle tires, hot cars, etc—but with no where to race them. They used to test them in the drain behind the local prison but kept getting mistaken for escapees. So they approached the local council and were leased some land to set up a track. Then with multiple donations of machinery and time by local businesses and individuals, they ended up with one of the best sand drag tracks in Australia. They soon joined the Western Australia circuit of sand drags which included Bindoon, Westdale and Turner Gully Drags.

Every year the complex is improved and changed to make it safer and more functional. It’s now in a controlled environment, with safety a top priority; as to date there has been no injuries. 

All the time put into the event is donated; it is a non-profit setup. Many people put in a mountain of work to make the day happen. 

Anyone from 5 to 85 years old can come and run, be safe and have a great time.

This year marks the 10th anniversary event. There will be competitors from over East and local coming to lay it on the line. The line-up includes V8 bikes, Harley-Davidson classes, MX, car, and whatever else shows up. 

There is a burnout competition run on the day by the Goldfields Burnout Association, as well as a live band at the end of the evening.

Check us out on Facebook and on the website.

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