HPU Design Wheels for Harley-Davidson Customs
THE HPU TEAM didn’t invent the wheel again… but the new designs will make you feel like they did.
The three-part wheels are assembled at HPU in Germany out of a massive, first-class aluminium-block. For this production only high-strength airplane-aluminium is used. The wheels have an effective diameter from 15 to 23 inches. They are delivered in a polished or in a powder-coated finish. The discreet screw-optics allow easy cleaning.
Fitting the new wheel-designs HPU also offer appropriate belt pulleys and brake disks for a harmonic overall picture. All the wheels, pulleys and brake disks come with TÜV-certificates.
HPU builds up individual custom-wheels as well. The beloved soccer-team, the name of your favourite girl, or the number of your credit card (for the forgetful), all of this can be wonderfully set on your new wheel rim. This will give your design-wheel the distinctive personal note. Always following the motto: pimp your custom wheel.
More custom parts and some great bike-portraits can be found in the current HPU catalogue. It can be ordered for 10 Euros nominal charge plus shipping to your home.

For more info visit: www.hpu.biz