Doc Hog Concept Motorbike

There was no real concept when Dave started building this show bike. He was just trying to do something different.

I’VE BEEN in the business for a few years now. Always done what we do — stay behind the scene and make the best bikes around. We’re not in a category anywhere; we just tend to do everything different which keeps us fresh compared to other builders. We’d probably average around three bikes of this quality a year; the rest is raking or putting wide tyres on — similar things but not producing show bikes.

This one I built for myself. I like to do one every two or three years for myself. Once I finish them off, I either keep them for a while or sell them and move on to start the next one

When you’re building a bike for someone else, you’re being dictated to by what they want. But there’s quite a different mind-set when building a bike for yourself. I wasn’t thinking about what sells, just about what I like, the lines of bikes and things like that, although in the back of my mind I was aware it had to be registrable.

We have our own frame jig so we started with building a frame. You cut a piece of tube, go to weld it in and then think, “No, I’m not happy with that bend,” so you’ll take it off and start again.

I think you get nicer lines with a rigid. I’ve always been that way inclined. I’ve had rigids all my life.

The motor and transmission are RevTech. In the old days, you used to build your own motors, but today, it’s just not feasible. We stick with RevTech because they make a quality motor and have the best warranty. Finished wise, it’s better than any motor on the market. Power wise, they are very good. We don’t have any problems with them so we stick with what we like.

The wheels are RevTech as well.

The front-end is just a different telescopic front-end with different chrome lowers. There are so many different choices of triple trees that you have to look around and see what’s going to suit what you’re putting together.

The seats covered in an artificial snake’s skin. The seat blends in with what’s underneath the paint. If you look at it closely, it’s got a similar effect.

The paint was done by MPR. They’re in Sunshine in Melbourne and do a lot of Harley factory warranty work. This is probably one of the first custom jobs they’ve done and they went right out of their way to make the bike absolutely Mickey Mouse in the paint, and believe me, they’ve done a top job in that department. The flames in the paint job are very subtle, but they will make you look, especially in the sunlight when they definitely come out more. It intrigues people and they say, “Is there something in the paint?” so they’ll go up and have a closer look.

The two-into-one Python exhaust system compliments the bike because of the lines and the way it flows.

Because the frame is so long, we made a set of bars to come back to you, so when you sit on the bike, it’s very comfortable.

The oil tank we made to float with the frame.

We made the rear guard to be part of the flame. We blended it so it’s one piece for a nicer finish. 

We bought the front guard, although we still had to trim it and make the brackets to attach it.

Price wise, it would be somewhere between 75 and 85, keeping in mind it’s a one-off. Bikes like this are more on the top-end of the scale, and if people want something different that no-one can duplicate, well that’s what we do. It’s not like you can pick up a book and find a frame then start building. In this situation, we’ll design the frame so you’re starting from nothing.

You’ll see more of the Concept Motorbike at the Maxxi & Doc Hog feature.

Photos by Wall-2-Wall; words by Dave @ Doc Hog

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