Blue Springer S&S Chopper
MY MATE ordered the frame, front-end, wheels and rear guard from the USA. I bought the motor, primary and gearbox from another mate. I put it together then spent plenty of hours moulding the back guard to the shape it is, and mucking around to get it to sit as close as possible to the tyre, then welding the back guard to the swingarm.
I extended the oil tank as well as the fuel tank. I made the seat to mould into the back guard so there is no gap between the seat and guard.

The frame has a four-inch stretch in the back-bone and a two-inch stretch in the down tubes with a 42 degree rake.
The springer front-end is eight-inches-over.
I had the wheels chromed instead of polished as it looks better.
The speedo is ProCycle.
The 80 cube S&S engine has had head work and a Sifton 140 cam and an A&E series carby installed.

My mate Rob Spiteri painted all the parts the beautiful blue then I put it together.
The exhaust is Vance & Hines Big Radius.
It has a five-speed gearbox with Andrews gears and a wet primary.
It had taken four months to build from start to finish—then about eight months to get it registered…

Photos by George; words by Poul.
OZBIKE would like to thank the management of Penrith Whitewater Stadium for letting us to shoot Poul’s Blue Bike in the area. If you want to try Sydney rapids give them a call: 02-4730-4333.