Black Uhlans MC Good Friday Poker Run

The Good Friday Poker Run turned out to be great day except for one thing — rain — and lots of it.

THE POKER Run started out at the Black Uhlans clubhouse on a cloudy, balmy, 25-degree day. I managed to get some really great shots before the ride got underway.

Our first destination was Diamond Creek where we stopped to get our second card for the poker hand. Here was a chance to get some more static shots of the bikes.

I rode ahead to Wattle Glen as the weather started to turn nasty. I found some shelter for the bike, got my camera out and started shooting from the roundabout. I got some great photos as the rain come tumbling down. I stayed undercover and kept clicking away until there were no more bikes to photograph

I never made it to Kinglake. I did the sane thing — waited until the rain stopped and headed home to edit my photos.

My brother and his mates continued on the Poker Run via Yarra Valley, home of Deborteli Wines, where it rained all the way to the Kinglake pub, one of the remaining buildings still standing after the fires.

After a few beers they all came out, picked up their rained-filled helmets, and went their separate ways until next year.

Words & pics by Brendan

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