Aussie Pride to Ride
…my mates started telling me it’s not a custom bike until you have a killer paint job!
I BOUGHT this Softail stock standard. After bolting on a few dress-up bits, I caught the customising bug. It all started with a set of Vance & Hines 2-into-1’s, Burleigh Bars, Corsair air filter, polished Mikuni carb, Performance Machine wheels, rotors and pulley. I’ve also had the cams replaced with S&S gear-drive cams.

I rode it like that for a while, until my mates started telling me it’s not a custom bike until you have a killer paint job! That’s when Glenn Phipps came into the picture. I rang Glenn and told him of my idea of an outback scene while still trying to keep the paint dark. This is the final result that he came up with. What a top job he did! I highly recommend Glenn to anyone wanting a killer paint job.

Two weeks after I got the bike back from Glenn, I entered it in the Brisbane Street & Custom Bike Show where won the prize for Best Paint. I was rapt!
My wife Sonia and Glenn rang Ozbike to organise a photo shoot as they thought it would be worthy of that.
This is a bike that is always seen out on the road, and as the saying goes, “It’s ridden, not hidden.” It’s a bike to ride with mates and to party on with. It’s not a million dollar project but a great bike to get around on.

Special thanks to Glenn Phipps: 0401-936-918; Harry’s Custom Bikework: 07-3801-2702; Heavy Duty Motorcycles: 07-3208-3300; and my wife for all the shit she puts up with.
Words by Dazza; photos by Rod Cole