Odin’s Warriors MC Chinchilla Tattoo Show

This is one of the best tattoo shows in Oz with plenty of ink competing for the great trophies.

THE DAY started early as we headed to the Annual OWMC Tattoo Show. We arrived at the gate and were met by three lovely ladies, got a stamp on the hand, and we were in.

The crowd was building, the stall holders were ready, and the line at the tattoo sign-up table was getting longer; the weather was brilliant and there was the smell of hamburgers and hot dogs in the air—it was going to be a great day.

The band belted out a few songs as the club members organised the contestants for the tattoo show. Finally Irish, the MC, took to the stage to call the first category. Suddenly the entrants were coming thick and fast to show off their fine artwork to the eagerly awaiting crowd.

With 25 tattoo categories there was plenty of ink and flesh to see during the day, and the crowd loved it.

The judges had a hard time trying to decide winners with so many great tatts to look at—I’m glad I was just taking photos—and as they went to the bar to make their final decisions, the band cranked out some more tunes.

But when the band took a short break, one guy thought he knew exactly what a tattoo show needs—a Harley burn-out! The noise of this thing was farkin’ awesome; the crowd loved it.

Finally the judges made their final decisions and the winners were presented with some awesome trophies. These would have to be the best trophies—double-sided battle axes and they were farkin’ sharp—I’ve seen in a long time so they all went into the winner’s cars before everyone got too pissed.

With plenty to see and do, this event is more a festival than a tattoo show. Skitta and the Odin’s Warriors MC put on another great show and would like to thank all the sponsors and everyone who turned up for a great day.

words & pics by Big Jim

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