Hells Angels MC Brisbane Good As Gold Poker Run

“Man, there is a God and he must be a Hells Angel...”

THE RUN was marred by two things: weeks of rain and Queensland’s finest bikie task force. Now you might expect an event tormented by cyclonic storms and Queensland’s filth to be spoilt—but no! This was the biggest Good As Gold Poker Run yet.

More than 550 bikes and nearly 700 people ignored the weather and the swine and came out in force to once again prove why this poker run is known as Queensland’s biggest and best. As I heard one punter remark, “Man, there is a God and he must be a Hells Angel,” as the sun rose in the piercing blue sky over one of the prettiest parts of Oz.

The day’s event began to unfold as the bikes started to roll into Browns Plains. There were custom choppers, stockers, twins, singles and fours; they came in ones, two’s and groups of 10. The departure time had to be postponed because they just keep rolling up. Then the call came and we were off with the members, prospects and support crew out front.

We hit the road through some light industrial areas to give us access to the Warrego Highway that would allow the pack to settle into a nice pace on its way to the Walloon pub.

With all the stops providing complimentary food, the accommodating Walloon pub with its air conditioning, pokies and friendly staff was soon behind us.

We found our way past Amberley to Harrisville, and through Kalbar the pack picked up the pace a notch along some long country back roads eventually stopping at the Dugandan pub in Boonah where we were entertained by the most unusual spectacle of very original Shovelhead cop-bike with lights and siren blazing doing a burnout in front of the pub. The old Shovel and its rider had to work hard to get the back wheel to part with its rubber; another rider decided to show everyone how to do a proper Mad Max as his Twin Cam filled the pub with tyre smoke.

We hit the frog and toe again and this time found a back road to the Jimboomba pub for a snag some more cooling ales.

The dash to the clubhouse had the old adrenal glands pumping and the ticker working overtime. With full credit to the organisers, there were no spills and the few breakdowns were quickly loaded on the back-up vehicles with their riders back at the clubhouse in time to see a lovely girl apply named Angel disrobe.

Flame kick-started the night’s entertainment with some arse kicking rock ‘n’ roll, finishing their first bracket as the raffle was drawn and the poker hand winners announced. This year the HAMC decided to give $1000 cash for best hand, $500 for second, with another couple of thousand in prizes. The guys from No Rules with a combined effort of 65 members won the biggest group/club award. $500 cash was donated to cystic fibrosis thanks to The Social Club.

The Hells Angels MC Brisbane would once again like to thank all the sponsors and those who attended.

words & pics by Jules

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