Time Warp Triumph Motorcycle
God rides a Triumph!
I’M 52-years-old. My first Triumph was a ’54 Speed Twin which was a present from my brother on my tenth birthday. My father got me a horse but it kicked me so I didn’t want it. He sold it.
Here’s a story of Samantha, the Triumph I’ve had for 12—13 years. She’s had a few changes but this is her last one. She’s an ’81 model but somehow changed to ’73 so no blinkers.
Her 750 cc head has been shaved, ported and polished. I had the inlet tubes splayed so I could fit the twin 34 mm flat-slide Mikunis. The rocker gear and timing gears have been lightened and polished. The crankshaft balanced and lightened conrods fitted. Cams are Jomo #15. Alloy pushrod covers—no more oil leaks! The pistons coated by HPC.
Something all Triumphs should have—extra breathing rocker boxes, crankcase and gearbox. Rotary oil pump. Boyer Bransden electronic ignition. I put an exposed belt drive with custom cover on her and customised the seat.
For something different, I fitted a FXR twin-disc front-end and modified the rear-end with a bigger disc and the fattest rim and tyre possible.
It’s so fuckin’ hot up here I put on a big oil cooler and a Time Warp oil filter with cooling fins on the bottom.
The rear shocks look good but only just work. She handles like shit but that’s what makes her interesting coming out of fast corners.
Triumphs forever! People forget God rides one!