Old Dog New Tricks

TOGETHER, Tex and his cattle dog Bundy have travelled millions of km across Australia on their road bike to raise money for various charities and put smiles on faces.
Sadly, this year Bundy will retire from working life as she is too old to ride on the front of the bike with Tex. Bundy is the only dog in Australia with a Ministerial Declaration giving her permission to ride on the front of a road bike. Bundy is the fastest motorcycling dog in the world (283km/h) and has raised over $6 million for charities.
See Bundy’s retirement video here: https://bit.ly/2HIfIgh

Following in Bundy’s paw-steps, Rebel — a young sprightly two-year-old cattle dog — has begun his early stages of training to become Bundy 2.0.

Altogether, the trio, Tex, Bundy and Rebel, are raising money for the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation (POWHF) with all funds going directly towards the Therapy Dog Program for patients at the Prince of Wales Hospital.
Tex & Bundy are strong supporters of mental health and veteran health affairs as Tex was diagnosed with severe PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) a few years after leaving the military. Bundy is also an Ambassador of the Prince of Wales Hospital Delta Therapy Program. Understanding the vital benefits of canine companionship, Tex & Bundy are excited to be able to assist Prince of Wales Hospital patients and provide both psychological and physiological benefits through therapy dog visits.
The heart-warming Therapy Dog Program brings joy and companionship to patients providing an ear to listen, paw to shake and smile to brighten up their day.

Tex & Bundy Facts:

Tex & Bundy have travelled more than 1 million km.

Tex & Bundy have raised more than $6 million for various charities and causes.

Bundy is the only dog in Australia with a Ministerial declaration giving her permission to ride on the front of the bike.

Bundy is an Australian Stumpy Tailed Cattle Dog.

Bundy is an Ambassador for the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation Delta Therapy Program.

Bundy is the fastest motorcycling dog in the world — 283 km/h at Eastern Creek Raceway.

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