The Berowra Bandits
Love these photos. Trish and Tony, 83 and still going strong, look great on these late model Harleys.
MEET Tony and Trish Prince, both 83 from Berowra, NSW, who have been together since they were 16. As the story goes, when they were first dating, Trish was not allowed on Tony’s scooter (an old 2-stroke Lambretta), so Trish had to take the tram, and Tony followed on the scooter, whenever they went out. Well, it must have worked—they got engaged at 19, married at 20 and had three kids (well, we’re are all over 50 now).
But come this year’s Christmas Day lunch, we were having a laugh about Tony’s Lambretta and how he had to pull the scooter apart in 30 minutes prior to a ride to clean the cylinders, when someone came up with the great idea of putting them on our bikes (2019 Harley-Davidson Softail Slims), and maybe even with a fan blowing on them to make them look like they were riding, and we just ended up with these great photos (minus the fan).
As I live in Balmain, we had to go one step further—what do we call these new bikers: the London Low-Lifers, the William Wallace Wanderers—we ended up calling them the Berowra Bandits.

photos by Lucy Bergagnin
Awesome. Can’t wait to see you both on the road again. The Irish coffee lady.
Many thanks from the Berowra Bandits; it has been an absolute delight since the photos were taken. We are actually 81 and 82 years old and we married just before we turned 21 and 22. We were children !, but we have happily survived. By the way, the Irish Whisky was fabuluous. Cheers, Trish and Tony Prince